President’s Message
President’s Message
Members Like You Are Advancing the A/I Field
As members of the AAAAI, we are a part of a unique community of professionals dedicated to providing the best care to all of our patients. Whether advocating on Capitol Hill for critical legislative changes, collaborating to develop tools for use in clinic that improve outcomes for our most vulnerable patients, establishing programs that instill a passion for our work in young people, or advancing treatment through the support of ground breaking research, the work we do as engaged members of the AAAAI is why we remain the leading allergy and immunology organization. This edition of Impact is filled with examples of how, together, we are making a difference.

Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD, FAAAAI
The cover story on prior authorization demonstrates the power we have to affect change on behalf of our patients by advocating against policies and regulations such as prior authorization that adversely impact our ability to provide quality, timely care. That’s why the AAAAI has made this a priority on our advocacy agenda. Immediate Past President David Khan, MD, FAAAAI, eloquently discussed the importance of this effort in a previous edition of Impact when he established the Prior Authorization Task Force last year. The work this group has completed in such a short time is truly remarkable. It’s just one of the issues the AAAAI is tackling on Capitol Hill.
Recently, in honor of Asthma Awareness Month, I shared my thoughts with you on the progress we, as a specialty, have made in addressing the complexities of asthma. In this issue Jennifer A. Namazy, MD, FAAAAI, discusses how she and a small team of volunteers from the Vaccines and Medications in Pregnancy Surveillance System Taskforce (VAMPSS), and the Women’s Health in A/I Committee, worked in collaboration with the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) to develop a toolkit to address the unique challenges in managing asthma during pregnancy. It’s an inspiring example of how members of the AAAAI are leading the way in innovative and targeted patient care.
Advancing our specialty by recruiting, supporting, and promoting talented, diverse individuals is a critical part of our mission. We continue to develop programs designed to bring more young people into our work. While in San Antonio for the AAAAI Annual Meeting, I had the opportunity to meet some of the young people participating in this year’s Chrysalis Project program. The enthusiasm that is evident as they talk about their interest in exploring the field of allergy and immunology is infectious. You can read a few of their stories here. I think you’ll agree – the future of our specialty is bright.
We are truly fortunate to be part of this tremendous professional community that has really taken the lead in so many areas. From a personal perspective, I can say unequivocally that the return I have seen on the investment I made in my career many years ago when I first joined the AAAAI and later sought out leadership positions, has been immeasurable. It has made me a better physician, a more focused researcher and a stronger advocate for my patients and the specialty I hold so dear. For R. Stokes Peebles, MD, FAAAAI, receiving a grant from the AAAAI Foundation and the impact it had on his career motivated him to want to give back by helping junior investigators early in their careers as part of the AAAAI Foundation Council. Be sure to read his story.
The AAAAI is filled with stories of successful leaders in patient care, research and academia. Many attribute their success, at least in part, to their involvement with the AAAAI. If you’re ready to take the next step in your leadership journey and in your career, I encourage you to consider whether a spot on the AAAAI Board of Directors could be the next step for you. Or, perhaps you know someone you think would be a great addition to our board. The nominating committee is now accepting nominations for At-Large Board of Director candidates for this fall’s election. AAAAI Fellows (with the exception of emeritus and honorary Fellows) are eligible for nomination and are listed in the Member Directory with the credentials "FAAAAI" after their name. Learn more about the nomination process for these positions.
Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD, FAAAAI
AAAAI President