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Member Spotlight:
Rebecca Scherzer, MD, FAAAAI,

on What Leadership Really Means
Rebecca Scherzer, MD, FAAAAI, was just out of fellowship when Jordan S. Orange, MD, PhD, FAAAAI, invited her to join a work group in the AAAAI’s Leadership Institute Program that he was putting together to author a manuscript.
Rebecca Scherzer, MD, FAAAAI
“I didn’t know if I had the skills to help the group, but he was a supportive mentor and encouraged me to get involved,” she recalled. It wasn’t long before Dr. Scherzer was mentoring others and leading work groups. Today, she is the Mentorship Program Director for the Leadership Institute Program. “I have been lucky to grow up through this terrific program,” she said. “I have met many amazing people that have such great ideas on how to move the AAAAI and the field of allergy and immunology forward.”
Dr. Scherzer’s passion for leadership is clearly visible when she discusses her work with the Leadership Institute. “Our field has many people with incredible ideas, but at times it can be challenging to know how to take the next steps to pursue your goals. Everyone in the Leadership Institute wants to turn our members’ ideas into reality, allowing the member to pursue goals that can help the specialty and our patients.”
Dr. Scherzer’s leadership extends beyond the Mentorship Program. She has been active in the Basic and Clinical Immunology (BCI) Interest Section since she completed her fellowship and currently serves as its chair. “My role within the BCI Interest Section has been one of the most defining leadership opportunities of my career,” she went on. “Everyone has great ideas to help the membership and grow the field of immunology. It has been an honor to work with the BCI Interest Section and committee members.”
Whether someone ultimately pursues a formal leadership role is less important than the more critical decision to simply get involved, Dr. Scherzer said. “You can contribute to a manuscript, a work group report, a committee, or interest section. You will learn from everyone with whom you work. As you get involved, you can help others achieve their goals, which ultimately helps the specialty in numerous ways including education and patient care.”
“There are many ways to be a leader,” Dr. Scherzer continued. “The heart of leadership is about everybody you serve. Being a leader is not about you, it is about how you help others succeed.”
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“The heart of leadership is about everybody you serve. Being a leader is not about you, it is about how you help others succeed.”
Rebecca Scherzer, MD, FAAAAI