Board of Directors November Meeting Highlights

The AAAAI Board of Directors met in person November 18-20, 2022, in Washington, DC. The members of the Board of Directors appreciate the work of AAAAI committee members and chairs as they strive toward the AAAAI mission to advance the knowledge and practice of allergy, asthma and immunology for optimal patient care.
Board members also heard presentations from representatives from Hart Health Strategies, Inc., the FDA Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER), the FDA Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER), the National Institute of Health (NIH)/National Institute of Allergy & Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (NHLBI).
Over the course of the meeting, a number of significant decisions and actions were made. Here are the highlights:
Anthony Fauci Addresses Board of Directors in Washington, D.C.
Anthony S. Fauci, MD, FAAAAI, Director of NIAID
In a special virtual visit to the AAAAI Board of Directors November meeting in Washington, D.C. Anthony S. Fauci, MD, FAAAAI, Director of NIAID, praised the organization for its role in “truly transformative” research over the years.
“It’s been my great pleasure to be involved with all of you officially for so many years,” Dr. Fauci told the Board. “I’m grateful for the decades-long partnership between our two organizations that has really moved the needle in addressing specific research priorities in the areas of allergy and asthma, especially life threatening allergy research.” He cited the Learning Early About Peanut allergy (LEAP) study, released in 2017 at the AAAAI Annual Meeting, that updated clinical guidelines, recommending that children be introduced to peanuts earlier, instead of avoiding all peanut-containing foods.
“Because of your vision and support we all can anticipate a very bright future for the prevention and care of allergic and immunological disease,” Dr. Fauci said.
A number of requests were granted approval, including the 2023 budget, as well as continued support of the Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters. Funding was also approved for additional travel scholarships and Basic Aeroallergen Training Course scholarships. The Board also approved development of a measure testing plan for AAAAI 17, Asthma Control: Minimal Important Difference Improvement.
Additionally, the AAAAI Foundation was granted approval of new Council members as well as approval to pursue new lectureship candidates.
Presidential Presentations
David A. Khan, MD, FAAAAI, shared more on his presidential initiatives and updates.
  • Drug Hypersensitivity Research Award: With funding approved in June 2022, the review committee accepted applications for the 2023 award cycle, with seven of 18 applicants asked to submit full applications.
  • Prior Authorization Task Force: Work continues on an AAAAI position statement on prior authorization and the development of a work group report on the impact of prior authorizations on patient care.
  • Regional Outreach on Allergy/Immunology for Residents (ROAR): Both the Washington, DC and Chicago, IL sessions were successful, and the San Diego, CA session will take place in March. Feedback from the first two sessions was positive, with 65% of registrants choosing A/I as their specialty and 19 attendees recently signing up to be AAAAI members.
The Board also selected Tamara T. Perry, MD, FAAAAI, to serve as the 2023 At-Large Executive Committee member, beginning at the close of the 2023 AAAAI Annual Meeting.
A number of other projects and topics were discussed, including funding for a proposed Virtual Food Allergy Conference to be held in spring of 2023, and funding for CME-accredited programs at RSLAAIS meetings.
In addition, the three divisions of the Board of Directors—Education, Practice & Policy and Research & Training—met individually to discuss committee activities.
The next Board of Directors meeting
February 22-27, 2023
San Antonio, Texas
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